What do massage therapists do if a male client gets excited during a massage?

The act of Massage is the manipulation of the body’s soft tissues. Massage techniques are commonly applied with hands, fingers, elbows, knees, forearms, feet, or a device. In massage therapy, a trained, certified medical professional (massage therapist) manipulates the soft tissues of your body — muscle, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments and skin. The massage therapist uses varying degrees of pressure and movement.

During Massage to males, sometimes things can go out of control not because its intended but because its natural to there bodies. There are a few different things that massage therapists can do if a male client gets excited during a massage.

 If the therapist is uncomfortable, they can ask the client to turn over or to stop the massage.

Some therapists may choose to ignore it and continue with the massage. some therapists seem to be used at this and  are trained to handle this situation. If your a male and find yourself in this situation, there is nothing to be ashamed of, its very natural and therapists most cases know it will happen. Some therapists make it even worse by talking to you softly about the moment.

This happened to my brother and he thought the female therapist was falling for him but found out the therapist was just doing her job though some rumors are some therapist give extra services but its important to ask before you do something funny

It is important to communicate with the client about what is happening and to make sure that they are comfortable with continuing.

In some places, you will a message like this below to make sure  massage is massage not something else

massage sex


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